Safe Internet Day- Connect with Respect

The theme for Safer Internet Day 2013 is Online Rights and Responsibilities with the slogan “Connect with Respect”.Safer Internet Day 2013 is taking place today on 5th February, and this will be the tenth anniversary of the event.

Get involved and help raise awareness of internet safety for this year’s Safer Internet Day. There are many things you can do, including helping to spread the word about the Day and running activities with children and young people, parents and carers and others in the community.

Advice and resources

Technology has become integral to young people’s lives and it is important that they know how to stay safe online and make the most of the opportunities that the internet provides. Whether you are a young person, parent or carer, or working with children, there are lots of resources to help.

Resources for young people–  The internet provides lots of opportunities for chatting with friends, playing games and creating your own content. To help you get the most out of the internet, we’ve brought together the latest information on staying safe online.

Resources for parents and carers– Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and they are one of the first people children turn to if things go wrong. We know it can be difficult to stay on top of the wide range of sites and devices that young people use, so we hope that the following advice helps.

Resources for teachers and professionals– Educators play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and it is our experience that this is best achieved by embedding esafety across the curriculum, within a framework of effective policies and routes for reporting concerns such as cyberbullying. As well as supporting young people to stay safe online, staff also need to protect their own online reputation, particularly when using social networking sites.

 The UK Safer Internet Centre is coordinated by a partnership of three leading organisations; Childnet International, the South West Grid for Learning and the Internet Watch Foundation. It is co-funded by the European Commission and has three main functions: An Awareness Centre, a Helpline and a Hotline.