Google Search document leak reveals inner workings of ranking algorithms

The leaked documents reveal how Google Search is using, or has used, clicks, links, content, entities, Chrome data and more for ranking. A trove of…

Simon Dye our Director is Google’s Analytics Certified

Simon Dye our Director has been Certified after passing Google’s Analytics assessment. This showcases his ability to use Google Analytics 4 to gain valuable Insights…

Google’s shares top $1000 as it reports earnings increase 36%

Google’s share price has broken through the $1000 mark today- the day after it reported an increase in it’s third quarter earnings.The numbers released yesterday…

Google tries to offer deal to end Brussels anti-trust probe

Google has proposed a package of concessions as it seeks to end a long running investigation into its European search business.The suggested changes to its…

Free v PPC search engine click through ratio- latest research

New research has published the latest search engine click through ratio which compares the number of people clicking on the “free” organic results against the…