AI spending grew 293% last year

AI is going from experimental to operational Back office finance tools are big winners Businesses are watching their travel spend An overall strong start to…

Google’s next AI Challenge- make money for Sir Demis Hassabis

Google’s AI leader- Sir Demis Hassabis may have been more interested in awards, now he has a new challenge – to make money from AI…

The cautionary tale of Air France 447 – and blindly following Gen AI

The dangers of embracing automation without engaging an oversight were sadly displayed on June 1 2009 when Air France Flight 447 vanished on a routine…

How to protect yourself from snoopers

Now that the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 AKA Snooper’s Charter – is law, how can you protect yourself from government snoopers? The new law forces…

Amazon makes first drone delivery

Amazon has made its first commercial delivery using a drone, in the UK. The package arrived safely at its destination in Cambridge, 13 minutes after…

Blockchain bandits hit crypto start-ups

There is a growing interest by hackers in fledgling firms seeking to build businesses around blockchains and digital currencies. That is troubling given the current…

$10 router blamed in Bangladesh bank hack

Hackers managed to steal £56 million from Bangladesh’s central bank because it skimped on network hardware and security software. The bank had no firewall and…

Wearable tech giving sports teams winning ways

Wearable technology is playing a growing role in sport all over the world. Ftom the UK’s football Premier League, to Aussie Rules Football, the first…