Google’s next AI Challenge- make money for Sir Demis Hassabis

Google’s AI leader- Sir Demis Hassabis may have been more interested in awards, now he has a new challenge – to make money from AI…

The cautionary tale of Air France 447 – and blindly following Gen AI

The dangers of embracing automation without engaging an oversight were sadly displayed on June 1 2009 when Air France Flight 447 vanished on a routine…

Chartered Marketer and CIM Fellowship renewal Confirmation

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) have just confirmed my Chartered Marketer status has been renewed for another year along with my ongoing Fellowship status:…

Minecraft- good or evil?

Minecraft the computer game occupies millions of children- in homes as well as classrooms. Minecraft is “digital Lego” – a computer game in which you…

How to record your phone calls

There is nothing new about voice recording per se – call centres and helplines have been recording customer conversations for years “for training purposes”, and…

Geeks and Nerds- are they now positive nouns like Boffins?

Are the names “geek” or “nerd” now becoming socially acceptable- even admired?It used to be implied that the person was socially awkward, even socially inferior.…

UK businesses optimistic about overseas expansion

UK businesses are optimistic about the prospects for overseas expansion according to accountants BDO.Some 78% of the 100 UK firms surveyed expected revenue from foreign…

Costs of finding new customers- and keeping existing ones

Why do so many businesses treat their customers so badly? How many emails do you receive that say “do not reply to this email, this…